Total Number of Executive Orders Signed By This President: 20
Amendments Relating to the National Research Council
EO Number: 12832 | Signed: 1993-01-19 -
Addition to Level V of the Executive Schedule: Transition Manager for the United States Enrichment Corporation
EO Number: 12833 | Signed: 1993-01-19 -
Additional Measures With Respect to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)
EO Number: 12831 | Signed: 1993-01-15 -
Establishing the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
EO Number: 12830 | Signed: 1993-01-09 -
National Industrial Security Program
EO Number: 12829 | Signed: 1993-01-06 -
Delegation of Certain Personnel Management Authorities
EO Number: 12828 | Signed: 1993-01-05 -
Amendment to Executive Order No. 12792
EO Number: 12827 | Signed: 1992-12-30 -
Adjustments of certain rates of pay and allowances
EO Number: 12826 | Signed: 1992-12-30 -
Establishing the Transportation Distinguished Service Medal
EO Number: 12824 | Signed: 1992-12-07 -
Amendments to Executive Order No. 12757 - Implementation of the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative
EO Number: 12823 | Signed: 1992-12-03 -
Improving Mathematics and Science Education in Support of the National Education Goals
EO Number: 12821 | Signed: 1992-11-16 -
Providing for Payment of Separate Maintenance Allowances to Employees Assigned to Johnston Island
EO Number: 12822 | Signed: 1992-11-16 -
Facilitating Federal Employees' Participation in Community Service Activities
EO Number: 12820 | Signed: 1992-11-05 -
Establishing a Presidential Youth Award for Community Service
EO Number: 12819 | Signed: 1992-10-28 -
Open Bidding on Federal and Federally Funded Construction Projects
EO Number: 12818 | Signed: 1992-10-23 -
Transfer of Certain Iraqi Government Assets Held by Domestic Banks
EO Number: 12817 | Signed: 1992-10-21 -
Management Improvement in the Federal Government
EO Number: 12816 | Signed: 1992-10-14 -
Extending the President's Commission on Management of the Agency for International Development (AID) Programs
EO Number: 12815 | Signed: 1992-09-30 -
Additions to level IV of the Executive Schedule for members of the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
EO Number: 12814 | Signed: 1992-09-10 -
President's Commission on Management of the Agency for International Development (AID) Programs
EO Number: 12813 | Signed: 1992-08-04