Total Number of Executive Orders Signed By This President: 20
Delegating to the Secretary of Agriculture the function of submitting an annual report to the Congress concerning the location of new Federal facilities in rural areas
EO Number: 11797 | Signed: 1974-07-31 -
Continuing the regulation of exports
EO Number: 11796 | Signed: 1974-07-30 -
Revoking Executive Order No. 10958, relating to the Civil Defense medical and food stockpiles
EO Number: 11794 | Signed: 1974-07-11 -
Delegating disaster relief functions pursuant to the Disaster Relief Act of 1974
EO Number: 11795 | Signed: 1974-07-11 -
Designation of certain officers of the Department of Agriculture to act as Secretary of Agriculture
EO Number: 11793 | Signed: 1974-07-10 -
President's Committee on East-West Trade Policy
EO Number: 11789 | Signed: 1974-06-25 -
Providing for the effectuation of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974
EO Number: 11790 | Signed: 1974-06-25 -
Exemption of Kenneth H. Tuggle from mandatory retirement
EO Number: 11791 | Signed: 1974-06-25 -
Abolishing the Advisory Council on Intergovernmental Personnel Policy
EO Number: 11792 | Signed: 1974-06-25 -
Providing for the orderly termination of economic stabilization activities
EO Number: 11788 | Signed: 1974-06-18 -
Revoking Executive Order No. 10987, relating to agency systems for appeals from adverse actions
EO Number: 11787 | Signed: 1974-06-11 -
Inspection of tax returns by the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives
EO Number: 11786 | Signed: 1974-06-07 -
Amending Executive Order No. 10450, as amended, relating to security requirements for Government employment and for other purposes
EO Number: 11785 | Signed: 1974-06-04 -
Delegating to the Administrator of General Services certain authority to issue regulations relating to joint funding
EO Number: 11784 | Signed: 1974-05-30 -
Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the carriers represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and certain of their employees
EO Number: 11783 | Signed: 1974-05-21 -
Establishing the Federal Financing Bank Advisory Council
EO Number: 11782 | Signed: 1974-05-06 -
Providing for an orderly termination of the Economic Stabilization Program
EO Number: 11781 | Signed: 1974-05-01 -
Amending Executive Order No. 11768, placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
EO Number: 11780 | Signed: 1974-04-22 -
Delegating the authority of the President under section 9 of the United Nations Participation Act, as amended, to the Secretary of State
EO Number: 11779 | Signed: 1974-04-19 -
Amending Executive Order No. 11691, adjusting rates of pay for certain statutory pay systems
EO Number: 11777 | Signed: 1974-04-12