Total Number of Executive Orders Signed By This President: 20
Presidential Records
EO Number: 12667 | Signed: 1989-01-18 -
Amending Executive Order No. 12658, the President's Commission on Catastrophic Nuclear Accidents
EO Number: 12665 | Signed: 1989-01-12 -
Exclusions From the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program
EO Number: 12666 | Signed: 1989-01-12 -
Adjustments of certain rates of pay and allowances
EO Number: 12663 | Signed: 1989-01-06 -
Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation and certain of its employees represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
EO Number: 12664 | Signed: 1989-01-06 -
Implementing the United States-Canada Free-Trade Implementation Act
EO Number: 12662 | Signed: 1988-12-31 -
Implementing the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 and Related International Trade Matters
EO Number: 12661 | Signed: 1988-12-27 -
National Microgravity Research Board
EO Number: 12660 | Signed: 1988-12-16 -
Delegation of authority regarding the naval petroleum and oil shale reserves
EO Number: 12659 | Signed: 1988-12-15 -
Assignment of emergency preparedness responsibilities
EO Number: 12656 | Signed: 1988-11-18 -
Federal Emergency Management Agency assistance in emergency preparedness planning at commercial nuclear power plants
EO Number: 12657 | Signed: 1988-11-18 -
President's Commission on Catastrophic Nuclear Accidents
EO Number: 12658 | Signed: 1988-11-18 -
Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation and certain of its employees represented by the Transportation Communications Union-Carmen Division
EO Number: 12655 | Signed: 1988-11-07 -
Delegating authority to provide assistance for the Nicaraguan Resistance
EO Number: 12654 | Signed: 1988-10-07 -
Amending Executive Order 11183, relating to the President's Commission on White House Fellowships
EO Number: 12653 | Signed: 1988-09-29 -
Return of authority to administer Federal Employees' Compensation Act to the Department of Labor from the Panama Canal Commission
EO Number: 12652 | Signed: 1988-09-19 -
Establishing an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation and certain of its employees represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
EO Number: 12650 | Signed: 1988-09-09 -
Offices of the Commission of the European Communities
EO Number: 12651 | Signed: 1988-09-09 -
Relating to the Implementation of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
EO Number: 12648 | Signed: 1988-08-11 -
Offsets in military-related exports
EO Number: 12649 | Signed: 1988-08-11